This university project was an editorial challenge to explore how word and image can be used together to create meaning.
I chose Greta Thunberg’s iconic speech from the 2019 World Economic Forum in order to highlight the urgency of the climate crisis.
The inflamed planet on the cover is ambiguous at first, but takes a toll once the reader realises it is their own.
A game of tennis between red hot and ice cold spreads represents the images as problems and solutions; wrestling between a sense of urgency and a desperation of hope.
Loud and disruptive display typography is used as a method of visual shouting that forces the reader to work to understand the message; a reflection of the demanding nature of the emergency.
Photos included within the graphics on this page were taken from various external sources. All such content is copyright of the original owner and is used here for academic demonstration purposes only, as part of a university coursework project.